We continuously move forward toward the creation of a new incense culture, making the most of our traditional craft that has been nurtured by a long history.

Awaji Encens is a brand of incense that was born on Awaji Island; a place known for its unique cultural background and written about in many historical books. Incense production has been developed over many years as the local industry of Awaji Island. While respecting our roots, we present a new perspective, keeping things simple and minimal, to meet modern taste. Each incense stick proposed by the 14 ateliers who support the brand is designed with a new concept while being firmly grounded in the long history and wealth of experience. The aromas will bring back memories that have been confined to the depths of your heart while accentuating your daily life with fragrance. You wear a fragrance just as you wear clothing. The fragrance is there when you are with your loved ones. Like music, fragrances make and evoke memories. This is the lifestyle concept we are proposing.

Member companies
Hyogo Incense Coop